Silver surfing
3rd April 2007

The Juniper Green silver surfers get to grips with the technology

On Tuesday 3rd April four of the Juniper Green reminiscers: Jean Brown, June Hanah, Tommy Tweedie and Sheila Wilson visited Currie Public Library.

Vesna Rajacic, an Edinburgh City librarian, helps the process along

With the help of Edinburgh City librarian Vesna Rajacic, Liz Beevers and Judy Hill from Juniper green 300, these new silver surfers logged onto 3 computers to view the Juniper Green 300 website.

Jean, Tommy and Sheila checking out their contributions to the Juniper Green 300 website

The four reminiscers enjoyed the battle with the mouse, clicking for choices and were then able to check out their own stories and pictures online.

June Hannah exploring what the website has to offer

In addition, June looked with interest at the story told by her brother Charles Forrest of his early life in Juniper Green.

One week later three more of the JG reminiscers: Sheila Hanson, Muriel Mackie and Peggy Fisher went to Currie Public Library to take their turn with the mice.