Quiz Night in Juniper Green Village Hall
20th January 2007

A very successful family quiz evening was organised by the Village Hall's Group on Saturday 20th January 2007. Quizmaster Ron Grigor compiled questions for all ages. Over ninety people attended the evening and one of the rounds of questions required a knowledge of Juniper Green over the last 300 years.

If you would like to try your hand at the JG knowledge round see below.

Some Questions about Juniper Green

  1. What was the original name of Juniper Avenue?
    Answer: Belmont Avenue
  2. Which of the following nineteenth century celebrities did not visit Juniper Green?

    A. Queen Victoria
    B. The ex-King of France, Charles X
    C. William ewart Gladstone, Prime Minister of Great Britain
    D. Thomas Carlyle, famous essayist
    Answer: Queen Victoria

    Charles X of France lived for some time in Baberton House.
    Mr Gladstone visited Juniper Green United Free Church in 1880, and
    there is oral evidence that Thomas Carlisle spent some of his early married life in Juniper Green in a house on Lanark Road.
  3. Identify the following public houses of Juniper Green:

    Top shop
    Ship Inn
    the one built in 1874

    All three must be correctly identified for full marks.
    Top shop = Kinleith Arms
    Ship Inn = Tanners
    the one built in 1874 = Railway Inn
  4. How many different school sites have there been in Juniper Green since 1825?
    Answer: 3:
    28 Baberton Avenue (later the janitor's house),
    the old school on the corner of Baberton Avenue and
    Woodhall Terrace and the new school in Baberton Mains.
  5. Which of the following events did not occur in 1707

    A. Sir John Foulis of Woodhall House dies
    B. English and Scottish Parliaments join
    C. Heart of Midlothian win the Scottish Cup
    Answer: C
  6. Which of the following events did happen in 1707?

    A. the words "Juniper Green" are written down for the first time
    B. James Brand is the owner of Baberton House
    C. Heart of Midlothian win the Scottish Cup
    Answer: A
  7. In which church records did the words "Juniper Green" appear in print for the first time?
    Currie Parish Church or Colinton Parish Church
    Answer: Colinton Parish Church
  8. The Balerno railway which joined Juniper Green to the Caledonian station in Edinburgh opened in which year? Was it 1870, 1874 or 1878?
    Answer: 1st August 1874
  9. In which year was the Juniper Green Bowling Club formed? Was it 1887, 1892 or 1897?
    Answer: 1887
  10. Which Juniper Green building on Lanark Road stands today where the house Montpelier used to be?
    Answer: The Royal Bank of Scotland
Check your answers!