Recent changes to the planning system give increased powers to Community Councils, in particular making us statutory consultees on major planning applications. This procedure would involve us in discussions with the developer before the planning application is submitted. In commenting on proposals which affect our area, the Community Council will endeavour to present a broader yet still local view of the issues raised, taking into account local knowledge and views. We therefore welcome your opinions and ideas, both on individual developments and on wider plans for the area. A part of the website has been dedicated to planning issues.
At the inaugural meeting of the Juniper Green Community Council (JGCC) in November 2009, we decided that one of the subjects of interest to our area was our health and wellbeing and the various factors which influence them both. Further information about our work on health and wellbeing in our community can be found here.
We will also be taking an interest in transport and environmental issues, such as our bus services and local road developments. We also intend to pursue with the City of Edinburgh Council an increase in the range of materials which can be recycled, either through regular household collections or at the Council's recycling centres. There is a page on the website dedicated to transport and one dedicated to environmental issues.