Our remit at Juniper Green & Baberton Mains Community Council is to represent the views of the community to the City of Edinburgh Council, to find out what you think would make life better in Juniper Green and Baberton Mains, and to do something about it.
Use this page to:
- send us your comments on local affairs,
- make suggestions for community events,
- volunteer to help with initiatives in Juniper Green and Baberton Mains,
- come up with ideas for improving local amenities,
- or just to tell us about anything, from potholes to planning applications, that you would like us to take up with city councillors or officials.
- suggest improvements to this website
You can contact the following people:
- On general matters: chair@junipergreencc.org.uk or secretary@junipergreencc.org.uk
- On community council events, website etc: correspondence@junipergreencc.org.uk
You can take part in our survey of the area.
You can be added to our mailing list so that we can contact you directly about what your community council is doing, or invite you to participate in community events.