News date:
19th May 2015Story
Recently, from 12th to 14th May, the Baberton History Art Quilt was exhibited for MSPs in the Members’ Lobby of the Parliament. Sarah Boyack, MSP, sponsor of the exhibition, revealed to us that she was something of a quilter herself. Pictured in the attached photo is Muriel Adam, one of the genealogists in the Baberton Mains History Group.
It proved to be quite a talking point, and many MSPs stopped to chat about it and commend the striking design of the quilt and the community generally on such an interesting project. Clair Ward, a member of the Juniper Green Parent Council, photographed Gordon MacDonald, our local MSP with the quilt. He later revealed to us that he had put a motion to the Parliament as follows:
“That the Parliament congratulates Baberton Mains History Group, a sub-committee of Juniper Green Community Council, on completion of the Baberton Mains History Quilt, which is currently being exhibited in the Parliament; understands that this was part of a wider history project on the area and included the preparation and publishing of the booklet, Baberton Mains Past and Present; considers that the quilt project was a unique, creative and hands–on experience method of teaching the pupils of Juniper Green Primary School about the land that Baberton Estate was built on, and thanks the people who shared their memories and photographs of Baberton Mains, the pupils who worked on the individual panels and the ladies who kindly volunteered each week to help teach the children of P6 to sew and assist in this successful project.”
Gordon is also pictured on his Facebook page with the quilt